Tag: Kady Cross

  • August 2019 — A Wrap-Up

    The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce The Tortall Universe is made up of several interlocked series. As you forge ahead, you keep meeting familiar characters from the previous books. It is nice to see that they are happy but they are written so as not to overshadow the protagonist of the book at…

  • Light on Steampunk and Heavy on Darkness — A Review of the Books Released So Far in the Series, Steampunk Chronicles

    Light on Steampunk and Heavy on Darkness — A Review of the Books Released So Far in the Series, Steampunk Chronicles

    The Strange Case of Finley Jayne This novella combined the best of two worlds for me: steampunk and Frankenstein albeit being light on the former! Our introduction to Finley Jayne takes place when she starts working for a new employer. Word about her strength gets out to a mother who is worried her future son-in-law…

  • Reading Anniversaries: First in a Series & Singles–January Edition

    2012 The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross I don’t much remember what went on in this book, except there being a plot to replace the Queen with an automaton clone. Must have made an impression on me because I rated it 4 stars on GR. Oh, and the covers in the series…

  • February 2018 — A Wrap Up

    Department 19: The Rising by Will Hill Several things about this book annoyed the heck outta me, including: I have begun to detest Jamie who is a Mary Sue if there ever was one! Talbot stared at Jamie, admiration on his face. “Bravo”, he said. “There are men and women a lot older than you…